Jeneanne Ericsson Photography Weddings » Wedding photography by Jeneanne Ericsson

M&L wedding – Sonoma County Wedding Photography

This was such a tender intimate wedding. I really enjoyed being a small part of it, and seeing the love and strong friendships this couple share! I’m trying some new ways of displaying pictures here on the blog…storyboard style. What do you think? The images are a bit smaller, but you don’t have to scroll down through 30 pics? I may have to perfect it just a bit.

  • Anonymous - Hi Geneanne,
    I'm Lori's sister. The pictures look great but I can't view more than 18. How can I get to see more? Thanks SheilaReplyCancel

  • Jeneanne Ericsson Sonoma County Photographer - Hi Sheila, I don't have your email address…so I'll respond here…to view the rest of the pictures go to (my main site, this is the blog) and click on proofing. Scroll down to the album "Mike & Lori's wedding. Hope that helps!ReplyCancel

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