Twins M&M were just a joy! They were so happy for their session, showing off those toothy grins, and they had a blast flinging cake around the studio! Working with twins always brings back memories of when they were little…how can they be 8?!
I loved meeting these little twins! N is dainty and sweet and R is a chunk of smiles! They both have such gorgeous eyes…the lashes on R – oh my why do they boys always get them?? I love the way Miss N’s whole face lights up with her grin! I will say, its a…
It was so much fun to get to snuggle these little girls! It really takes me back to when my twins were small. These two were born right on time, not to early and weighing right around 6lbs each…great sizes! They are clearly fraternal twins, and it didn’t take long to recognize their differences. S,…