This little man reminded me of my oldest…such a rollie pollie little man..those chins! Love it! He made us work for those smiles thats for sure…adorable!
Isn’t she adorable! Thank goodness for the popcorn/apple tree song, it makes Miss E light up like you wouldn’t believe! It was SUPER windy but still very nice out, and we were lucky to miss the rain. Some of these make me laugh just looking at them! Enjoy!
This family was too cute not to share! LOVED little man’s BRIGHT blue eyes! WOW! We had beautiful weather, and just a lot of fun commemorating this little guy turning one!
Little Miss A had us running! I think I have nearly as many photos of the side of her face as she turns to run as I do facing me! She is on.the.go. Isn’t it great?! I love her teasing personality…and who can resist her baby bird flyaway hair! Adorable! Don’t grow too fast Miss…
It was great meeting up with the G family. The girls were adorable in their matching dresses (and sandals)….reminds me of when I was little and I had matching dresses with my sisters. And yes, we had 4 matching dresses! And another yes, that means I was over 10 years old and still wearing matching…