Category Archives: Foothill Park

Miss G

Miss G is five, and about to graduate, Kindergarten that is! She was a lot of fun and I was so glad the weather cooperated and we got these great springtime images! I will admit that there might have been some harm done (dirt) to the white pants in the making of these portraits, but…

Miss A is one

One year olds are always a lot of fun. Busy, busy, busy. They have so much to do, learn and take in, that its a pretty big inconvience to stop and smile for a picture no matter how funny you think you are! And heaven forbid you tell them to stay in one spot! Its…

Senior T

I have just a couple more class of 09 Seniors left to post. We took these on a gorgeous day in December…only here in Sonoma County do we get this gorgeous weather and light in December! T is pretty talented at stunts with is bike…so at the end of the session I got to try…

The S family

I was able to sneak this great family inbetween the rain this past weekend! It was great, on Saturday the rain cleared for just a bit in the afternoon and we ran over to foothill park. I just love that place…so many different looks everytime I go….I can’t wait for spring up there! And we…

The M family

It was great to meet the rest of Senior N’s family, as we met up last weekend to do the whole family…lots of fun. This first shot is the older boys reservoir dogs impersonation…no they weren’t really trying…but with the cool sun flair and their glasses and black attire…I couldn’t resist snagging a shot. And…

1 comment
  • HEMY

    the first picture is awesome…I’ll learn from your shot=]ReplyCancel